Modified electro-thermal thrust augmentation for mini-satellite applications

Aharon Oren, Michael Zaberchick, Gady Golan, Ezra Elias, Eitan Wacholder

פרסום מחקרי: פרסום בכתב עתמאמר מכנסביקורת עמיתים


A modified concept, patent pending, has been applied for thrust augmentation of small mono-propellant hydrazine thrusters by means of internal ceramic heater, defined here as Ceramic Heater for Augmented Thruster - CHAT. The thrust level is in the range of 0.5N to 0.25N, with corresponding specific impulse of 270 sec to 300 sec. The thruster is mainly designated for delta-V missions for mini and micro-satellites applying long steady firing. The nominal electrical power is relatively low, i.e. 300W although even for 200W, improved performance can be obtained. CHAT combines catalytic hydrazine decomposition with heating of the gaseous products by an electrical resistance heater, which results in enhanced specific impulse. The new design consists of a heater module located within the thruster itself, made of Silicon Carbide ceramics. Integrating the heater module within the same envelope as the decomposition chamber, simplifies the thruster design, while lowering thruster weight, reducing cost, and decreasing thermal losses. The compact design enables operating the thruster during periods of limited power in a pulse-train mode with variable duty-cycle at a minimal performance penalty.

שפה מקוריתאנגלית
עמודים (מ-עד)435-439
מספר עמודים5
כתב עתEuropean Space Agency, (Special Publication) ESA SP
מספר גיליון555
סטטוס פרסוםפורסם - 2004
פורסם באופן חיצוניכן
אירועSpace Propulsion 2004 - 4th International Spacecraft Propulsion Conference - Sardinia, איטליה
משך הזמן: 2 יוני 20044 יוני 2004

טביעת אצבע

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