This report of a research study challenges the notion of monolithic national identityby inquiring whether media regulation in Israel has consciously furthered theconstruction of minority groups' identity. The two groups that are the focus of the presentarticle are the Arab minority, which constitutes about 20% of the population of the Stateof Israel and comprises a population of 1,600,000, but is perceived as 'the other' by theJewish majority; and immigrants from the former Soviet Union, who constitute 12.5% ofIsrael's population, number 1,000,000 inhabitants and are perceived as having their ownunique characteristics, but as belonging to the Jewish majority. A comparative analysis ofvarious media regulators' annual reports indicates that both Israel's Council for Cable andSatellite Broadcasting and Administration for Public Broadcasting, as well as thecountry's Second Television and Radio Broadcasting Authority, have been working overthe years to combine a media integration approach for these minority groups with apluralistic approach to broadcasting. Findings also suggest that the two regulatory bodieshave implemented a dual policy that encourages integration processes of the Arabic- andRussian-speaking public on the one hand, while fostering the expression of social andcultural life through original productions on the other.
שפה מקורית | אנגלית |
כותר פרסום המארח | Minority Groups |
כותר משנה של פרסום המארח | Coercion, Discrimination, Exclusion, Deviance and the Quest for Equality |
מוציא לאור | Nova Science Publishers, Inc. |
עמודים | 167-188 |
מספר עמודים | 22 |
מסת"ב (אלקטרוני) | 9781621008989 |
מסת"ב (מודפס) | 9781621008446, 9781631179563 |
סטטוס פרסום | פורסם - ינו׳ 2012 |
פורסם באופן חיצוני | כן |