Whole blood analysis for medical diagnostics by GC-MS with Cold EI

Benny Neumark, Oneg Elkabets, Gabi Shefer, Assaf Buch, Naftali Stern, Aviv Amirav

Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

3 Scopus citations


This study covers a new method and related instrumentation for whole blood analysis for medical diagnostics. Two-μL whole blood samples were collected using “minimal invasive” diabetes lancet and placed on a thin glass rod mounted on a newly designed BloodProbe. The BloodProbe with the whole blood sample was inserted directly into a ChromatoProbe mounted on the GC inlet, and thus, no sample preparation was involved. The analysis was performed within 10 min using a GC-MS with Cold EI that is based on interfacing GC and MS with supersonic molecular beams (SMB) along with electron ionization of vibrationally cold sample compounds in the SMB (hence the name Cold EI). Our blood analysis revealed several observations: (1) Detailed mass chromatograms were generated with full range of all the nonpolar lipids in blood including fatty acids, cholesterol, cholesteryl esters, vitamin E, monoglycerides, diglycerides, and triglycerides. (2) The analysis of whole blood was found to be as informative as the conventional clinical analysis of blood serum. (3) Cholesteryl esters were more sensitive than free cholesterol alone to the effect of diet of obese people. (4) Major enhancement of several fatty acid methyl esters was found in the blood of a cancer patient with liver dysfunction. (5) Vitamin E as both α- and β-tocopherol was found with person-dependent ratio of these two compounds. (6) Elemental sulfur S8 was identified in blood. (7) Several drugs and other compounds were found and need further study of their correlation to medical issues.

Original languageEnglish
Article numbere4873
JournalJournal of Mass Spectrometry
Issue number7
StatePublished - Jul 2022
Externally publishedYes


  • GC-MS with Cold EI
  • lipids in blood analysis
  • medical diagnostics
  • whole blood analysis


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