Who Were the Pioneers of Zionism ?

Research output: Chapter in Book/Report/Conference proceedingChapterpeer-review


There is almost no dispute Among Scholars that the Activity of Hovevei Zion the First Jewish nationalistic Movement which by a generation preceded the Zionist Movement initiated by Herzl, First began in the 1880s, but even During the Movement’s First generation, As Well As in Later Historical Research, It became evident that Hovevei Zion had been preceded by “ harbingers "Or“ pioneers" working to establish a National JEWISH Entity in the Land of Israel. There Are Even Those such As the Historian Jacob Katz, who Went so far As to claim that “the Pioneers initiated the National Movement in a Real Historical sense leaving their MARK upon It". the Present Discussion Will Center on the Question whether this claim has any Force.
Original languageEnglish
Title of host publicationבין דת, לאום וארץ (קובץ בעריכת יוסי גולדשטיין)
StatePublished - 2014

IHP Publications

  • ihp
  • Hess, Moses -- 1812-1875
  • Hibbat Ziyyon
  • Zionism -- Historiography
  • Zionism -- History -- To 1904


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