Wafer-Level Packaged CMOS-SOI-MEMS Thermal Sensor at Wide Pressure Range for IoT Applications †

Moshe Avraham, Gady Golan, Michele Vaiana, Giuseppe Bruno, Maria Eloisa Castagna, Sara Stolyarova, Tanya Blank, Yael Nemirovsky

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Wafer-level processed and wafer-level packaged low-cost microelectromechanical system (MEMS) thermal sensors are required for a wide range of Internet of Things (IoT) and wearables applications. Recently, a new generation of uncooled thermal sensors based on CMOS-SOI-MEMS technology has emerged, with higher performance compared to commercial thermal sensors (bolometers, thermopiles, and pyroelectric sensors). The technology is implemented in commercial CMOS FABs and is, therefore, based on mature technology and implemented at a low cost. When packaged in a high vacuum, the sensors are dubbed TMOS and are applied for uncooled IR radiation. At atmospheric pressure, the sensors may function as gas sensors, dubbed GMOS. This paper focuses on the study of the thermal performance of wafer-level processed and packaged TMOS and GMOS sensors, where the pressure varies between high vacuum (0.01 Pa) and atmospheric pressure. The present study is based on analytical thermal modeling for gaining physical insight, 3D simulation is performed by ANSYS software, and finally, the measurements of the packaged devices are compared with the modeling and simulations.

Original languageEnglish
Article number30
JournalEngineering Proceedings
Issue number1
StatePublished - 2020


  • FEA simulations
  • IoT
  • TMOS
  • thermal performance of radiation and gas sensors
  • thermal uncooled IR sensors
  • wafer-level packaging
  • wearables


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