W-band millimeter waves targeted mortality of H1299 human lung cancer cells without affecting non-tumorigenic MCF-10A human epithelial cells in vitro

Konstantin Komoshvili, Katya Israel, Jacob Levitan, Asher Yahalom, Ayan Barbora, Stella Liberman-Aronov

Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

6 Scopus citations


Therapeutically effective treatments of cancer are limited. To calibrate the efficiency of the novel technique we recently discovered to modulate cancer cell viability using tuned electromagnetic fields; H1299 human lung cancer cells were irradiated in a sweeping regime of W-band (75-105 GHz) millimeter waves (MMW) at 0.2 mW/cm2 (2 W/m2). Effects on cell morphology, cell death and senescence were examined and compared to that of non-tumorigenic MCF-10A human epithelial cells. MMW irradiation led to alterations of cell and nucleus morphology of H1299 cells, significantly increasing mortality and senescence over 14 days of observation. Extended irradiation of 10 min duration resulted in complete death of exposed H1299 cell population within two days, while healthy MCF-10A cells remained unaffected even after 16 min of irradiation under the same conditions. Irradiation effects were observed to be specific to MMW treated H1299 cells and absent in the control group of non-irradiated cells. MMW irradiation affected nuclear morphology of H1299 cells only and not of the immortalized MCF-10A cells. Irradiation with low intensity MMW shows an antitumor effect on H1299 lung cancer cells. This method provides a novel treatment modality enabling targeted specificity for various types of cancers.

Original languageEnglish
Article number4813
JournalApplied Sciences (Switzerland)
Issue number14
StatePublished - Jul 2020


  • H1299 human lung cancer cells
  • In vitro
  • Non-tumorigenic MCF-10A human epithelial cells
  • W-band (75-105 GHz) MMW


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