Voltage RMS Estimation during a Fraction of the AC Period

Ido Amiel, Zekharya Danin, Moshe Sitbon, Moshe Averbukh

Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

2 Scopus citations


The increasingly widespread occurrences of fast-changing loads, as in, for example, the charging of electrical vehicles and the stochastic output of PV generating facilities, are causing imbalances between generated and consumed power flows. The deviations in voltage cause noteworthy technical problems. The tap-changers in today’s transformers are slow-reacting and thus cannot effectively correct the imbalance. Tap-changers should be replaced by special appliances, installed in distribution lines, that can effectively estimate voltage RMS and refine imbalances during a fraction of the AC period, preferably less than half. This article suggests specially developed methods for RMS assessment based on approximating instantaneous voltage magnitudes using harmonics and correcting coefficients.

Original languageEnglish
Article number6892
Issue number18
StatePublished - Sep 2022


  • AC voltage estimation
  • RMS value
  • correcting coefficients
  • harmonic representation


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