Visualization of an Ultra-Short THz Beams with a Radiation Propagation Analysis of the Novel Israeli Free Electron Laser

Michael Gerasimov, Boris Perutski, Egor Dyunin, Jacob Gerasimov, Aharon Friedman

Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

1 Scopus citations


Tera Hertz radiation is currently the most researched and useful area in almost all fields of science and industry. The additional challenge is expressed in the form of radiation, pulses of femto-seconds in length are supposed to pass through a transmission line (TL) most efficiently, at a wide range of frequencies. These are complex beams, which make up the electromagnetic (EM) field, represented in the frequency domain in terms of cavity eigenmodes. A simulation allows to describe of the phase-amplitude and spectral characteristics of multimode radiation free-electron laser (FEL) operating in various operational parameters. The analysis is performed through the transmission of optical rays accurately, with each ray being characterized by amplitude, position, and angle in 3D space. A light field representation of a complex EM field is obtained via Wigner Distribution Function, which allows to describe of the dynamics of field evolution in future propagation by a ray tracing (RT) method. The final diagnostics will determine the design of the TL to be assembled in an innovative accelerator under construction at the Schlesinger Family Center for Compact Accelerators, Radiation Sources, and Applications.

Original languageEnglish
Article number193
Issue number11
StatePublished - Nov 2022


  • FEL
  • THz analysis
  • WDF
  • Wigner distribution function
  • Zemax
  • beam propagation
  • characterization and diagnostics
  • ray tracing
  • terahertz
  • transmission line


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