Validating Embedded Validity Indicators of Feigned ADHD-Associated Cognitive Impairment Using the MOXO-d-CPT

Daniella Winter, Yoram Braw

Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

4 Scopus citations


Background: The current study aimed to validate the utility of previously established validity indicators derived from MOXO-d-CPT’s continuous performance test. Method: Healthy simulators feigned impairment after searching online for relevant information, an ecologically valid coaching condition (n = 39). They were compared to ADHD patients (n = 36) and healthy controls (n = 38). Results: Simulators performed significantly worse than ADHD patients in all MOXO-d-CPT indices, as well as a scale that integrates their contributions (feigned ADHD scale). Three indices (attention, hyperactivity, and impulsivity) and the latter scale exhibited adequate discriminative capacity. Higher education was associated with an exaggerated impairment among simulators, easing their detection. Conclusion: Similarity between the current study and a previous study which examned the utlity of the MOXO-d-CPT validity indicators, increases our confidence in the efficacy of the latters embedded validity indicators. Though the findings provide initial validation of these validity indicators, generalizing beyond highly functioning participants necessitates further research.

Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)1907-1913
Number of pages7
JournalJournal of Attention Disorders
Issue number14
StatePublished - Dec 2022


  • ADHD
  • MOXO-d-CPT
  • coaching
  • continuous performance test (CPT)
  • feigned cognitive impairment
  • malingering


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