Unitary quasi-lifting: Applications

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7 Scopus citations


Let U(3) be the quasi-split unitary group in three variables defined using a quadratic extension E/F of number fields. Complete local and global results are obtained for the (σ-endo-(unstable) lifting from U(2) to GL(3, E). This is used to establish quasi-(endo-)lifting for automorphic forms from U(2) to U(3) by means of base change from ∪(3) to GL(3, E). Base change quasi-lifting is also proven. Continuing the work of [I], the exposition is elementary, and uses only a simple form of an identity of trace formulas, and base change transfer of orbital integrals of spherical functions.

Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)553-565
Number of pages13
JournalTransactions of the American Mathematical Society
Issue number2
StatePublished - Apr 1986
Externally publishedYes


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