I. Jeevanantham, Maurice Netter, Sam Yagar, Heinz Beilner, Friedrich Jacobs, Tetsuzo Hoshino, Alan J. Miller, Allan Marcus, Richard E. Allsop, Masaki Koshi, Nathan Gartner, Iwao Okutani, K. J. Noble, R. B. Potts

Research output: Contribution to conferencePaperpeer-review


Following is the continuation of the list of titles and authors: New Look at the Traffic Assignment Problem. By I. Jeevanantham. Equilibrium and Marginal Cost Pricing on a Road Network with Several Traffic Flow types. By Maurice Netter. Study of the Travel Patterns in a Corridor with Reference to the Assignment Principles of Wardrop. By Sam Yagar. Probabilistic Aspects of Traffic Assignment. By Heinz Beilner and Friedrich Jacobs. Theory of Traffic Assignment to a Road Network. By Tetsuzo Hoshino. Nine Estimators of Gap-Acceptance Parameters. By Alan J. Miller. Theoretical Analysis of Expressway Ramp Merge Controls as Single-Server and Tandem Queues. By Allan Marcus. Sensitivity of Delay at a Fixed Time Traffic Signal to Small Errors in the Observations used for Calculating the Signal Settings. By Richard E. Allsop. On-Line Feedback Control of Offsets for Area Control of Traffic. By Masaki Koshi. Optimal Synchronization of Traffic Signal Networks by Dynamic Programming. By Nathan Gartner. Synchronization of Traffic Signals in a Network for Loss Minimizing Offsets. By Iwao Okutani. Network Flow Model of the Australia-Europe Container Service. By K. J. Noble and R. B. Potts.

Original languageEnglish
StatePublished - 1972


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