The tripartite structure of general halachic principles in the Bavli

Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review


The paper introduces the tripartite structure used to shape principles of halachah. The unique design is expressed in a formal style consisting of three statements made by different sages, where each statement contains three halachic principles that have been grouped together in one place in the passage. The design of the halachic principles using a tripartite structure also clarifies the absence of additional halachic rules and the lack of material discussion of the halachah principles brought in the passage. The aim and the importance of this article is in presenting the design of halachic principles in the form of a tripartite structure, as well as how this pattern emerged and the special style of its appearance in the passage.

Original languageEnglish
Article number262
Issue number12
StatePublished - Dec 2017


  • Bavli
  • Eruvin
  • Halachah
  • Principles
  • Structure
  • Tripartite


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