The Smithsonian Institution excavation at Tell Jemmeh, Israel,1970-1990

David Ben-Shlomo (Editor), Gus W Van Beek (Editor)

Research output: Book/ReportBookpeer-review


This monograph describes the results of the archaeological excavation at the site of Tell Jemmeh, Israel, undertaken by the Smithsonian Institution and directed by Gus W. Van Beek during the years 1970–1990. All the artifacts from the excavations were shipped from Israel to Washington, D.C., and have been restored, studied, and analyzed in the National Museum of Natural History for the past four decades. The site is a strategic and large mound located near Gaza and the Mediterranean coast. It was inhabited continuously for at least 1,400 years during the Middle and Late Bronze Age, the Iron Age, and the Persian period. The highlights of this excavation are the findings of a large and affluent courtyard house from the Late Bronze Age, a sophisticated well-preserved pottery kiln from the early Iron Age, a complex of Assyrian-related administrative buildings during the late Iron Age, and a complete granary of the Persian period. This is a detailed and final report on all of the excavation results, including the architectural remains, stratigraphy, pottery, and other finds. In addition, several more detailed and focused studies of certain aspects of the site’s material include (among others) chapters on imported, decorated, Philistine, Assyrian-style and Greek pottery and chapters on figurines, sealings, jewelry, amulets, scarabs, cylinder seals, flint, coins, ostraca, and fauna. The volume is richly illustrated with nearly 1,000 figures showing field photographs, plans, sections, and drawings and photographs of artifacts. The significance of the results is summarized and discussed in the final chapter. -- Publisher.
Original languageEnglish
Place of PublicationWashington, D.C
PublisherSmithsonian Institution
Number of pages1087
StatePublished - 2014

Publication series

NameSmithsonian contributions to anthropology
PublisherSmithsonian Institution

ULI Keywords

  • uli
  • Excavations (Archaeology) -- Israel
  • Jemmeh (Tel)
  • Tel Jemmeh (Israel)
  • Tell Jemmeh (Israel)


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