The manipulative evolution of Muslim and Jewish narratives regarding the Temple Mount

Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review


For decades now, Jerusalem has been the point of collision between Israeli and Palestinian narratives, leading to perpetual rounds of violence. This research is concerned with the spiritual origins of this violence. Therefore, its purpose is to explore the evolution of Jewish and Muslim narratives regarding the Temple Mount. Inquiring into the various layers of these narratives, particularly their religious components, one finds how some were gradually and intentionally constructed, sometimes with no particular relation to actual events. We started with a review of scholarly literature that examines narrative and, more importantly, differentiates between history and narrative. We then reviewed the historical chronology of Jerusalem. In a third phase, we gathered narratives relating to Jerusalem’s holy places from numerous sources from the long history of the two communities. In each narrative, we focused on the gap between facts and fiction–between historical events and national beliefs. Grasping how this gap was constructed on both sides of the conflict and being aware of the manipulative nature of these narratives will enable a better comprehension of events in the Middle East.

Original languageEnglish
JournalJournal of Political Ideologies
StateAccepted/In press - 2024


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