The Intellectual Links between the Tosafists and the Scholastic Thought of the Thirteenth Century

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This study examines a long list of corollaries between the tosafot of Rabbi Peretz, a student of the Paris and Evreux yeshiva, and the scholastic norms that spread throughout the Paris University and the academic world in general during the thirteenth century. This study shows, that the theory of proprietates terminorum led Rabbi Peretz to examine the precise meaning of Talmudic terminology, and to emphasize that which, while not explicit in the text, is evident from it. Similarly to the accepted practice of students of scholasticism, Rabbi Peretz raised and refuted a number of theoretical interpretations, ending with the preferred exegetical possibility
Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)385-404
JournalKwartalnik Historii Żydów
Issue number2
StatePublished - 2018


  • Tosafot
  • Rabbi Peretz b. Eliyahu
  • Scholasticism
  • Paris University
  • French Jewry in the XIIIth century


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