The Impact of Attractiveness on Retail Managers’ Decisions: Labor Market Discrimination when Hiring Salespeople

Research output: Working paperPreprint


This paper investigates the role of physical attractiveness in retail managers’ decisions about hiring salespeople. Using data on attractiveness and the potential employment qualifications of 30 candidates, we found that retail managers prefer to hire candidates who are more physically attractive. This beauty premium can be explained by our findings on the positive correlation between candidates’ attractiveness and the perceived presence of traits essential for becoming a successful salesperson, such as charisma, kindness and persuasiveness. We also found that beauty plays a more important role for female candidates, from the earliest stage of the hiring process. No difference was found between the beauty premiums in the decisions of male and female retail managers. Based on our findings, we recommend that retail managers remain vigilant about the potential for intentional or unintentional biases based on physical appearance when hiring employees.
Original languageEnglish
StatePublished - 12 Nov 2019


  • Beauty
  • Labor market
  • Discrimination
  • Salespeople


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