The Expressions of Spirituality Inventory (ESI): A Multidimensional Measure for Expression of Multi-Domain Spirituality: A multidimensional measure for expression of multi-domain spirituality

Research output: Chapter in Book/Report/Conference proceedingChapterpeer-review


The Expressions of Spirituality Inventory (ESI; MacDonald, 2000a; 2000b) is a multidimensional measure of spirituality that was developed on the basis of factor analysis of numerous existing spirituality-related measures. The ESI has five subscales that include a wide variety of aspects of spirituality: (1) Cognitive Orientation towards Spirituality (COS), (2) Experiential/Phenomenological Dimension (EPD), (3) Existential Well-Being (EWB), (4) Paranormal Beliefs (PAR), and (5) Religiousness (REL). The chapter presents the underlying theoretical assumptions and development of the ESI. Based on a review of 27 peer-reviewed publications of empirical research using the ESI, this review focuses on the use of subscale scores, scale versions, response scale format, and translations as well as reports of subscale reliabilities and first-order and second-order factor structures, followed by a critique of the measure. The wealth of psychometric research on the ESI and the inclusion of paranormal beliefs and existential well-being in the ESI's model of spirituality are discussed. Finally, the possibility of multicultural applications of the ESI is discussed. In summary, the ESI is a reliable, valid, and useful multidimensional measure of spirituality with strong points as well as limitations. The careful researcher can make an informed choice as to use of the ESI in empirical spirituality research.

Original languageEnglish
Title of host publicationAssessing Spirituality in a Diverse World
Number of pages25
ISBN (Electronic)9783030521400
StatePublished - 7 Dec 2020

Publication series

NameAssessing Spirituality in a Diverse World


  • ESI
  • Expressions of spirituality inventory
  • Factor analysis
  • Multidimensional measures
  • Spirituality


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