The effect of the nano-silica support on the catalytic reduction of water by gold, silver and platinum nanoparticles-nanocomposite reactivity

T. Zidki, R. Bar-Ziv, U. Green, H. Cohen, D. Meisel, D. Meyerstein

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28 Scopus citations


Pt°-NPs, prepared by the reduction of PtIV salts with borohydride, do not catalyse the reduction of water in the presence of the strongly-reducing C(CH3)2OH radicals. However, supporting the same metal nanoparticles (M°-NPs) with SiO2 alters the catalytic properties enabling the reaction. This effect depends both on the nature of M°and concentration of the composite nanoparticles. At low nanocomposite concentration: for M = Au nearly no effect is observed; for M = Ag the support decreases the catalytic reduction of water and for M = Pt the support initiates the catalytic process. At high nanocomposite concentration: for M = Au the reactivity is considerably lower and for M = Ag or Pt no catalysis is observed. Furthermore, for M = Ag or Pt H2 reduces the C(CH3)2OH radicals. This journal is

Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)15422-15429
Number of pages8
JournalPhysical Chemistry Chemical Physics
Issue number29
StatePublished - 7 Aug 2014


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