The Competition between 4-Nitrophenol Reduction and BH4 Hydrolysis on Metal Nanoparticle Catalysts

Shalaka Varshney, Dan Meyerstein, Ronen Bar-Ziv, Tomer Zidki

Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

4 Scopus citations


Assessing competitive environmental catalytic reduction processes via NaBH4 is essential, as BH4 is both an energy carrier (as H2) and a reducing agent. A comprehensive catalytic study of the competition between the borohydride hydrolysis reaction (BHR, releasing H2) and 4-nitrophenol reduction via BH4 on M0- and M/M′ (alloy)-nanoparticle catalysts is reported. The results reveal an inverse correlation between the catalytic efficiency for BH4 hydrolysis and 4-nitrophenol reduction, indicating that catalysts performing well in one process exhibit lower activity in the other. Plausible catalytic mechanisms are discussed, focusing on the impact of reaction products such as 4-aminophenol and borate on the rate and yield of BH4 hydrolysis. The investigated catalysts were Ag0, Au0, Pt0, and Ag/Pt-alloy nanoparticles synthesized without any added stabilizer. Notably, the observed rate constants for the 4-nitrophenol reduction on Ag0, Ag-Pt (9:1), and Au0 are significantly higher than the corresponding rate constants for BH4 hydrolysis, suggesting that most reductions do not proceed through surface-adsorbed hydrogen atoms, as observed for Pt0 nanoparticles. This research emphasizes the conflicting nature of BH4 hydrolysis and reduction processes, provides insights for designing improved catalysts for competitive reactions, and sheds light on the catalyst properties required for each specific process.

Original languageEnglish
Article number6530
Issue number18
StatePublished - Sep 2023


  • 4-aminophenol
  • 4-nitrophenol reduction
  • bimetallic nanoparticles
  • borate
  • borohydride
  • catalysis
  • competitive reactions
  • hydrogen evolution reaction


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