The amyloid deposit in calcifying epithelial odontogenic tumor is immunoreactive for cytokeratins

Sarit Aviel-Ronen, Pavel Liokumovich, David Rahima, Sylvie Polak-Charcon, Iris Goldberg, Ada Horowitz

Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

31 Scopus citations


Calcifying epithelial odontogenic tumor, also known as Pindborg tumor, is a rare benign tumor with locally aggressive behavior. It is characterized by squamous epithelial cells, calcifications, and eosinophilic deposits that have been identified as amyloid. We report a case of calcifying epithelial odontogenic tumor and investigate the nature of the amyloid, using histologic, immunohistochemical, and ultrastructural studies. The amyloid was immunohistochemically negative for basement membrane components and positive for all cytokeratin stains performed (cocktail of cytokeratins 1, 5, 6, 8, 13, and 16, and cytokeratins AE1 and AE3). The amyloid stained locally in a glandular-like pattern, reminiscent of the epithelial glandlike structures of the tumor. We conclude that the amyloid is derived from filamentous degeneration of keratin filaments that originate from the tumor squamous epithelium. The keratin degeneration is part of a developmental or aging process that the tumor undergoes.

Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)872-876
Number of pages5
JournalArchives of Pathology and Laboratory Medicine
Issue number6
StatePublished - 2000
Externally publishedYes


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