The added value of college radio: student self development, fulfillment, and confidence

Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

12 Scopus citations


Purpose: College radio stations provide tools, skills and experience to students and graduates, facilitating their integration into the media industry. The purpose of this paper is to examine whether the college radio station gives students, beyond practical tools, a sense of self-fulfillment and self-confidence. Design/methodology/approach: Research was carried out through semi-structured in-depth interviews with about 70 interviewees: senior directors of the college radio project, students and graduates. Findings: It was found that students gained self-fulfillment and developed considerable self-confidence through intrinsic motivation, in accordance with Deci’s self-determination model. In addition, it was found that activities in college radio stations match the components of the Project Based Learning model, based on learning in small groups and producing a real product, which is then presented to an audience. Social implications: This will impact students to develop their high intrinsic motivation to study. As a result, they will become more creative and satisfied employees, producing higher quality and added value work. Ultimately, the outcome will be one of more positive social welfare and individual well-being. Originality/value: This research emphasizes the importance of integrating practical workshops in academic studies as a way to empower students in all fields: theoretical study, practical experience and personal development.

Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)339-354
Number of pages16
JournalHigher Education, Skills and Work-based Learning
Issue number2
StatePublished - 16 Apr 2020


  • College radio
  • Communication studies
  • Higher education
  • Mass communication
  • PBL


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