Tell Ǧemme during the Bronze Age and Canaanite household archaeology

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The site of Tell Ǧemme was excavated by W. M. F. PETRIE during 1926-1927 and by Gus VAN BEEK on behalf of the Smithsonian Institution during the years 1970-1990. This paper includes a preliminary account of the Bronze Age remains from VAN BEEK'S# excavations. This strategic and large mound is located on the ancient border between Canaan and Egypt and was settled for at least 1400 years, almost continuously, during the Middle and Late Bronze and the Iron Ages (ca. 1750-580 b.c.e.) as well as the Persian period (ca. 500-300 b.c.e.). The site was probably the important Canaanite city Yurza mentioned in the Amanta letters. The Bronze Age remains include a series of overlying structures and a rich assemblage of pottery and other finds from the Middle Bronze Age IIB-C through to the end of the Late Bronze Age. A large building complex dated to the Late Bronze Age was also excavated. The building has a carefully paved spacious courtyard, and contained several sophisticated installations and rich finds. The building may be interpreted as a Canaanite patrician house. The evidence for Egyptian influence on the material culture of this border site is also examined in this paper.

Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)133-157
Number of pages25
JournalZeitschrift des Deutschen Palastina-Vereins
Issue number2
StatePublished - 2012


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