Stress-Adaptive Training: An Adaptive Psychomotor Training According to Stress Measured by Grip Force

Yotam Sahar, Michael Wagner, Ariel Barel, Shraga Shoval

Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

5 Scopus citations


Current training methods show advances in simulation technologies; however, most of them fail to account for changes in the physical or mental state of the trainee. An innovative training method, adaptive to the trainee’s stress levels as measured by grip force, is described and inspected. It is compared with two standard training methods that ignore the trainee’s state, either leaving the task’s level of difficulty constant or increasing it over time. Fifty-two participants, divided into three test groups, performed a psychomotor training task. The performance level of the stress-adaptive group was higher than for both control groups, with a main effect of t = −2.12 (p = 0.039), while the training time was shorter than both control groups, with a main effect of t = 3.27 (p = 0.002). These results indicate that stress-adaptive training has the potential to improve training outcomes. Moreover, these results imply that grip force measurement has practical applications. Future studies may aid in the development of this training method and its outcomes.

Original languageEnglish
Article number8368
Issue number21
StatePublished - Nov 2022


  • adaptive training
  • grip force
  • physiological indices
  • psychomotor tasks
  • psychomotor training
  • stress


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