Stem cell-derived extracellular vesicles as senotherapeutics

Ekaterina Rudnitsky, Alex Braiman, Marina Wolfson, Khachik K. Muradian, Vera Gorbunova, Gadi Turgeman, Vadim E. Fraifeld

Research output: Contribution to journalReview articlepeer-review

1 Scopus citations


Cellular senescence (CS) is recognized as one of the hallmarks of aging, and an important player in a variety of age-related pathologies. Accumulation of senescent cells can promote a pro-inflammatory and pro-cancerogenic microenvironment. Among potential senotherapeutics are extracellular vesicles (EVs) (40–1000 nm), including exosomes (40–150 nm), that play an important role in cell-cell communications. Here, we review the most recent studies on the impact of EVs derived from stem cells (MSCs, ESCs, iPSCs) as well as non-stem cells of various types on CS and discuss potential mechanisms responsible for the senotherapeutic effects of EVs. The analysis revealed that (i) EVs derived from stem cells, pluripotent (ESCs, iPSCs) or multipotent (MSCs of various origin), can mitigate the cellular senescence phenotype both in vitro and in vivo; (ii) this effect is presumably senomorphic; (iii) EVs display cross-species activity, without apparent immunogenic responses. In summary, stem cell-derived EVs appear to be promising senotherapeutics, with a feasible application in humans.

Original languageEnglish
Article number102391
JournalAgeing Research Reviews
StatePublished - Aug 2024


  • Cellular senescence
  • ESC
  • Extracellular vesicles
  • MSC
  • iPSC


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