Solar Powered Thermoelectric Air Conditioning for Temperature Control in Poultry Incubators

Kumar Reddy Cheepati, Nezah Balal

Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

1 Scopus citations


Proper air conditioning is crucial for hatching, growing, and reproducing poultry chickens. The existing methods are often costly and only viable for some chicken farmers. This paper presents a novel solar-powered thermoelectric module that utilizes the Peltier effect for efficient cooling and heating in poultry incubators. The proposed system consists of a Peltier module with cool and hot junctions, powered by a solar panel through a charge controller and battery. The cool junction is located in the chicken-breeding and reproduction unit, while the hot junction is situated in the egg-incubation unit. Temperature controllers maintain the required temperatures of 35–40 °C for the egg-hatching and 10–24 °C for the chicken-growing units. The experimental results demonstrate the system’s effectiveness in maintaining the desired temperatures. This solar-powered thermoelectric air conditioning system offers advantages over traditional methods, including lower energy consumption, reduced costs, and eco-friendliness. It has the potential to benefit off-grid poultry farmers and reduce energy bills for existing chicken farms. The mathematical modeling, load calculations, and prototype results show that the proposed system is best suited for providing the required cooling and heating effects in poultry incubators. This research represents a significant step forward in temperature control for poultry incubators and could revolutionize poultry farming practices, especially in remote locations with limited electricity access.

Original languageEnglish
Article number4832
JournalSustainability (Switzerland)
Issue number11
StatePublished - Jun 2024


  • Peltier effect
  • energy efficiency in agriculture
  • off-grid farming solutions
  • poultry incubation
  • solar-powered thermoelectric air conditioning
  • sustainable poultry farming


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