Sizing procedure for system hybridization based on experimental source modeling in grid application

Nissim Amar, Arron Shmaryahu, Michael Kolleti, Ilan Aharon

Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

3 Scopus citations


Hybridization of sources is spreading worldwide by utilizing renewable sources and storage units as standard parts of every grid. The conjunction of energy source and storage type open the door to reshaping the sustainability and robustness of the mains while improving system parameters such as efficiency and fuel consumption. The solution fits existing networks as well as new ones. The study proposes the creation of an accurate optimal sizing procedure for setting the required rating of each type of source. The first step is to model the storage and energy sources by using real experimental results for creating the generic database. Then, data on the mission profile, system constraints, and the minimization target function are inserted. The mission profile is then analyzed to determine the minimum and maximum energy source rating. Next, the real time energy management system controller is used to find the set of solutions for each available energy source and the optimal compatible storage in the revealed band to fulfil the mission task. A Pareto‐curve is then plotted to present the optimal findings of the sizing procedure. Ultimately, the main research contribution is the far more accurate sizing results. A case study shows that relying on the standard method leads to noncompliance of sizing constraints, while the proposed procedure leads to fulfilling the mission successfully. First, by utilizing experimentally based energy and a storage unit. Second, by using the same real time energy management system controller in the sizing procedure.

Original languageEnglish
Article number4685
Issue number15
StatePublished - 1 Aug 2021


  • Experimental base modelling
  • Hybrid sources
  • Real time energy management system
  • Sizing


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