Sibling Dynamics, Marital Satisfaction, and Wellness in Married Turkish Adults

Didem Aydogan, Yaşar Ozbay, Avidan Milevsky, Yasemin Kaygas

Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review


Research on sibling dynamics and their outcomes in married adults is limited. The primary objective of this study was to assess how relationships with same and different-sex siblings explain the state of wellness and marital satisfaction in adulthood. Furthermore, the study aimed to evaluate the effects of early childhood sibling relationships on adult well-being and to assess the meditative role of adult sibling relationship characteristics on this effect. A total of 344 married adults participated in the study, 237 of whom (68.9%) were women. The Adult Sibling Relationship-Short Form (ASRQ-SF), Lifespan Sibling Relationship Scale (LSRS), Couple Satisfaction Index (CSI), and Wellness Scale for Emerging Adults (WSEA) indices were used to assess study variables. Results indicated that intimacy between different-sex siblings (brother-sister) predicted marital satisfaction. Furthermore, conflict between same-sex siblings (sister-sister) and intimacy between different-sex siblings (sister-brother, brother-sister) predicted wellness. Additionally, recalled childhood sibling relationship characteristics had significant effects on wellness and that sibling relationship characteristics in adulthood partially mediated this relationship. These results are considered within the framework of sibling relationship development within Turkish culture.

Original languageEnglish
JournalFamily Journal
StateAccepted/In press - 2022


  • gender differences
  • marital satisfaction
  • sibling dyads
  • sibling relationship characteristics
  • well-being


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