Prespecified candidate biomarkers identify follicular lymphoma patients who achieved longer progression-free survival with bortezomib-rituximab versus rituximab

Bertrand Coiffier, Weimin Li, Erin D. Henitz, Jayaprakash D. Karkera, Reyna Favis, Dana Gaffney, Alice Shapiro, Panteli Theocharous, Yusri A. Elsayed, Helgi Van De Velde, Michael E. Schaffer, Evgenii A. Osmanov, Xiaonan Hong, Adriana Scheliga, Jiri Mayer, Fritz Offner, Simon Rule, Adriana Teixeira, Joanna Romejko-Jarosinska, Sven De VosMichael Crump, Ofer Shpilberg, Pier Luigi Zinzani, Andrew Cakana, Dixie Lee Esseltine, George Mulligan, Deborah Ricci

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16 Scopus citations


Purpose: Identify subgroups of patients with relapsed/refractory follicular lymphoma deriving substantial progression-free survival (PFS) benefit with bortezomib-rituximab versus rituximab in the phase III LYM-3001 study. Experimental Design: A total of 676 patients were randomized to five 5-week cycles of bortezomib-rituximab or rituximab. The primary end point was PFS; this prespecified analysis of candidate protein biomarkers and genes was an exploratory objective. Archived tumor tissue and whole blood samples were collected at baseline. Immunohistochemistry and genetic analyses were completed for 4 proteins and 8 genes. Results: In initial pairwise analyses, using individual single-nucleotide polymorphism genotypes, one biomarker pair (PSMB1 P11A C/G heterozygote, low CD68 expression) was associated with a significant PFS benefit with bortezomib-rituximab versus rituximab, controlling for multiple comparison corrections. The pair was analyzed under dominant, recessive, and additive genetic models, with significant association with PFS seen under the dominant model (G/G-C/G). In patients carrying this biomarker pair [PSMB1 P11AGallele, low CD68 expression ( ≤50 CD68-positive cells), population frequency: 43.6%], median PFS was 14.2 months with bortezomib-rituximab versus 9.1 months with rituximab (HR 0.47, P < 0.0001), and there was a significant overall survival benefit (HR 0.49, P = 0.0461). Response rates were higher and time to next antilymphoma therapy was longer in the bortezomib-rituximab group. In biomarker-negative patients, no significant efficacy differences were seen between treatment groups. Similar proportions of patients had high-risk features in the biomarker-positive and biomarker-negative subsets. Conclusions: Patients with PSMB1 P11A (G allele) and low CD68 expression seemed to have significantly longer PFS and greater clinical benefit with bortezomib-rituximab versus rituximab.

Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)2551-2561
Number of pages11
JournalClinical Cancer Research
Issue number9
StatePublished - 1 May 2013
Externally publishedYes


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