Polarization properties of the Laser-Induced Plasma Lasers generating according to the quasi-three-level scheme

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Systematic studies have been conducted on the polarization characteristics of Laser-Induced Plasma Lasers (LIPL) that utilize the quasi-three-level generation scheme. The Degree of Polarization for generation lines is found to alter its sign with a change in the total angular momentum by one, either for the level from which pumping begins or for the lower generation level. While this behavior echoes the Hanle effect, our findings recommend an extension of its theoretical framework to scenarios involving resonantly pumped stimulated emission. Additionally, Cu LIPLs represent the inaugural observation of a level-crossing effect in LIPLs. While this manuscript focuses on the underlying physical effects, it is important to note that LIPLs have potential applications in various domains, including developing quantum devices, coherent lighting systems, and remote magnetometers.

Original languageEnglish
Article number130423
JournalOptics Communications
StatePublished - 15 May 2024


  • Hanle effect
  • Laser-Induced Plasma
  • Lasers


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