Patterns of Psychoactive Substances Use by Parents Attending Nature and Trance Parties: A Brief Report

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1 Scopus citations


Background: This is a preliminary study that examines the use of psychoactive substances by a particular group of nature and psytrance party partygoers: parents. The purpose of the study is to examine the prevalence and type of substances that parents attending nature parties consume. Methods: A structured quantitative questionnaire was administered to a sample of 207 parents, men and women. Results: Results of the study show that all parents have used cannabis, and most of them use it regularly. Although the rates of use of other types of substances is significantly higher than in the general population, it appears to be occasional and not daily or weekly. Conclusions: The results emphasize the need for further research in the field, and should alert therapists and preventive personnel because of the correlation between the parents’ use of psychoactive substances and that of their offspring.

Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)10-12
Number of pages3
JournalIsrael Journal of Psychiatry and Related Sciences
Issue number3
StatePublished - 2022


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