On colorability of graphs with forbidden minors along paths and circuits

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Graphs distinguished by Kr-minor prohibition limited to subgraphs induced by circuits have chromatic number bounded by a function f(r); precise bounds on f(r) are unknown. If minor prohibition is limited to subgraphs induced by simple paths instead of circuits, then for certain forbidden configurations, we reach tight estimates. A graph whose simple paths induce K3,3-minor free graphs is proven to be 6-colorable; k5 is such a graph. Consequently, a graph whose simple paths induce planar graphs is 6-colorable. We suspect the latter to be 5-colorable and we are not aware of such 5-chromatic graphs. Alternatively, (and with more accuracy) a graph whose simple paths induce k5,K3,3- minor free graphs is proven to be 4-colorable (where K3,3- is the graph obtained from K3,3 by removing a single edge); K4 is such a graph.

Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)699-704
Number of pages6
JournalDiscrete Mathematics
Issue number8-9
StatePublished - 6 May 2011
Externally publishedYes


  • Bridges of circuits
  • Chromatic number


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