Negative-mass mitigation of Coulomb repulsion for terahertz undulator radiation of electron bunches

N. Balal, I. V. Bandurkin, V. L. Bratman, E. Magory, A. V. Savilov

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51 Scopus citations


It is proposed to utilize the effect of negative mass for stabilization of the effective axial size of very dense and short electron bunches produced by photo-injector guns by using combined undulator and strong uniform magnetic fields. It has been shown that in the "abnormal" regime, an increase in the electron energy leads to a decrease in the axial velocity of the electron; due to the negative-mass effect, the Coulomb repulsion of electrons leads to their attraction and formation of a fairly stable and compact bunch "nucleus." An undulator with a strong uniform magnetic field providing the negative-mass effect is designed for an experimental source of terahertz radiation. The use of the negative-mass regime in this experiment should result in a long-pulse coherent spontaneous undulator emission from a short dense moderately relativistic (5.5 MeV) photo-injector electron bunch with a high (up to 20%) efficiency and a narrow frequency spectrum.

Original languageEnglish
Article number163505
JournalApplied Physics Letters
Issue number16
StatePublished - 19 Oct 2015


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