Modification of the adiabatic invariants method in the studies of resonant dissipative systems

Mikhail Tokman, Maria Erukhimova

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5 Scopus citations


We study the system of equations for the canonically conjugate variables p and q specified by the one-dimensional Hamiltonian H=H(p,q,Λ1, ...,ΛN) dependent on Nself-consistent slightly changing parameters obeying the equations: Λn=fn1,...,ΛN,p,q). A broad range of oscillatory and wave processes with weak dissipation is described by analogous systems. The general method of adiabatic invariant construction for this system is proposed. Self-consistent averaged equations for the evolution of the action integral and the parameters Λn are obtained. The constructed theory is applied to a generalized model of the nonlinear resonance. The autoresonance (phase locking) regime of decay parametric instability in a dissipative medium is revealed.

Original languageEnglish
Article number056610
JournalPhysical Review E
Issue number5
StatePublished - 23 Nov 2011
Externally publishedYes


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