Meta-analysis of Pandemic Escherichia coli ST131 Plasmidome Proves Restricted Plasmid-clade Associations

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39 Scopus citations


Extraintestinal multidrug resistant Escherichia coli sequence type (ST) 131 is a worldwide pandemic pathogen and a major cause of urinary tract and bloodstream infections. The role of this pandemic lineage in multidrug resistance plasmid dissemination is still scarce. We herein performed a meta-analysis on E. coli ST131 whole-genome sequence (WGS) databases to unravel ST131 plasmidome and specifically to decipher CTX-M encoding plasmids-clade associations. We mined 880 ST131 WGS data and proved that CTX-M-27-encoding IncF[F1:A2:B20] (Group1) plasmids are strictly found in clade C1, whereas CTX-M-15-encoding IncF[F2:A1:B-] (Group2) plasmids exist only in clade C2 suggesting strong plasmid-clade adaptations. Specific Col-like replicons (Col156, Col(MG828), and Col8282) were also found to be clade C1-associated. BLAST-based search revealed that Group1 and Group2 plasmids are narrow-host-range and restricted to E.coli. Among a collection of 20 newly sequenced Israeli ST131 CTX-M-encoding plasmids (2003–2016), Group1 and Group2 plasmids were dominant and associated with the expected clades. We found, for the first time in ST131, a CTX-M-15-encoding phage-like plasmid group (Group3) and followed its spread in the WGS data. This study offers a comprehensive way to decipher plasmid-bacterium associations and demonstrates that the CTX-M-encoding ST131 Group1 and Group2 plasmids are clade-restricted and presumably less transmissible, potentially contributing to ST131 clonal superiority.

Original languageEnglish
Article number36
JournalScientific Reports
Issue number1
StatePublished - 1 Dec 2020


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