Media representation of members of parliament in Egypt: A reality of gender imbalance

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1 Scopus citations


This study joins recent studies that explore the meanings of the political representation of women resulting from a gender quota, through examination of their media representation. Drawing on studies on gendered mediation and women's political representation and using a content analysis method, we examine the quantity and the quality of gender media representation of Egyptian members of parliament. The findings show a nuanced picture in which the media simultaneously propagates a conservative perspective alongside progressive and egalitarian ones. Female representatives receive less media coverage and are associated with feminine topics in a way that reproduces the gender hierarchical masculine/feminine and private/public distinction within the political sphere. Nevertheless, this biased coverage coexists with an empowering representation whereby women are more heard than seen and associated with core parliamentary activities. We conclude by addressing the potential and limits of this representation, which may alter perceptions regarding women's political participation under authoritarianism.

Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)361-384
Number of pages24
JournalDomes : digest of Middle East studies
Issue number4
StatePublished - 1 Oct 2024


  • Egypt
  • gender bias
  • gender quota
  • media coverage
  • parliament


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