Mechanism of reduction of the nitrite ion by CuI complexes

Ariela Burg, Evgenia Lozinsky, Haim Cohen, Dan Meyerstein

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15 Scopus citations


The reaction of Cuaq+ with NO2- was studied. The results are consistent with the mechanism: Cu aq+ NO2- ⇆ (Cu +NO2-), K = 140 ± 30 M-1; (Cu+NO2-) + H+ → Cu 2+ + NO + OH-, k = 4.6 × 105 M -1S-1. It is proposed that the copper is bound to the nitrogen in the transient complex (Cu+NO2-), In addition, the reaction was studied with (CuILi) + complexes. The results show that the ligands reduce the value of K and that their effect on k depends on the redox potential of the (Cu II/ILi) couple. This reaction is the simplest model for the CuNIR (NIR = Nitric reductase) enzymes.

Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)3675-3680
Number of pages6
JournalEuropean Journal of Inorganic Chemistry
Issue number18
StatePublished - 20 Sep 2004


  • Copper(I)
  • NO
  • Nitrite
  • Reduction


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