Maturity-related differences in systemic pulmonary and localized fatigue threshold among youth Male athletes

Kyle S. Beyer, Jeffrey R. Stout, Michael J. Redd, Kayla M. Baker, Haley C. Bergstrom, Jay R. Hoffman, David H. Fukuda

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1 Scopus citations


Purpose: To examine the reliability and the maturity-related differences of fatigue thresholds (FTs) among youth males. Methods: Twenty-nine youth males (11–17 y) completed 2 ramp exercise tests on a cycle ergometer. Systemic FTs were calculated from gas exchange and ventilation variables. Localized FTs were calculated from electromyography and near-infrared spectroscopy of the vastus lateralis. All FTs were determined using the maximal distance method and expressed relative to maximal oxygen consumption. All participants were grouped according to the number of years from peak height velocity into PRE- (< −1.5 y), PERI- (−1.5 to +1.5 y) and POST- (> +1.5 y) peak height velocity. Reliability was assessed with intraclass correlation coefficients, and differences between groups were assessed with analysis of variance and Cohen’s d coefficients. Results: Analysis of variance revealed significant group differences with PRE having significantly greater systemic pulmonary FTs than POST, while localized muscular FTs were significantly greater in PRE when compared with PERI and POST. All FTs exhibited excellent reliability (intraclass correlation coefficient > .75) in all maturity groups. Conclusion: Maturity status appears to influence the onset of FTs among youth male athletes, with FTs occurring later in younger athletes. Furthermore, all FTs were reliable measures regardless of maturity.

Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)99-106
Number of pages8
JournalPediatric Exercise Science
Issue number1
StatePublished - Feb 2019
Externally publishedYes


  • Adolescent
  • Aerobic
  • Exercise performance
  • Metabolism


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