Kinetics and mechanism of corrosion of oxide coating fabricated on aluminum alloy by the plasma electrolytic oxidation in molten salt

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31 Scopus citations


The kinetics and mechanism for the degradation of oxide coatings obtained by the Plasma Electrolytic Oxidation method in molten salts on AA1050 aluminum alloy were studied. The effect of the corrosive medium on the morphology and phase composition of the samples was investigated. The influence of the concentration of oxygen and chloride ions on the corrosion rate was studied. It is demonstrated that the polarization resistance of samples with oxide coatings is three orders of magnitude greater than that of the untreated alloy. The main features of the corrosion process are considered, and a corrosion mechanism is proposed.

Original languageEnglish
Article number110604
JournalCorrosion Science
StatePublished - Nov 2022


  • A. Aluminum
  • B. EIS
  • B. Electrochemical calculation
  • B. Polarization
  • C. Kinetic parameters
  • C. Oxide coatings


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