Interaction in Violence

S. Giora Shoham, Sarah Ben-David, Giora Rahav

Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

2 Scopus citations


The aim of the study is the examination of the actual process of eruption of the violent act. The study, therefore, concentrates on a stimulus-response interaction and examines the nature of the provocation, the nature of the reaction, and the relationship between the two factors. These three components constitute one cycle, and each cycle acts as a stimulus to the subsequent one. If the first cycle of interaction is not clear to the parties, the interaction will tend to escalate in its intensity until the meaning of Alter's action is clarified; then, if it is perceived as provoking it could erupt into violence. Or, if Alter's meaning was finally defined by Ego as neutral or friendly, the tension will subside and jocular friendship might ensue. However, if the interaction is still ambiguous, the initial cycles might be forgotten, and the subsequent cycles, even if ambiguous, will be defined as provoking, and violence may erupt.

Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)417-430
Number of pages14
JournalHuman Relations
Issue number5
StatePublished - May 1974


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