Inflation in supergravity from field redefinitions

Michal Artymowski, Ido Ben-Dayan

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4 Scopus citations


Supergravity (SUGRA) theories are specified by a few functions, most notably the real Kähler function denoted by G(Ti, Ti) = K + log |W|2, where K is a real Kähler potential, and W is a holomorphic superpotential. A field redefinition Ti → f1(Ti) changes neither the theory nor the Kähler geometry. Similarly, the Kähler transformation, K → K + f2 + f2,W → e-f2W where f2 is holomorphic and leaves G and hence the theory and the geometry invariant. However, if we perform a field redefinition only in K(Ti, Ti) → K(f(Ti), f(Ti)), while keeping the same superpotential W(Ti), we get a different theory, as G is not invariant under such a transformation while maintaining the same Kähler geometry. This freedom of choosing f (Ti) allows construction of an infinite number of new theories given a fixed Kähler geometry and a predetermined superpotential W. Our construction generalizes previous ones that were limited by the holomorphic property of W. In particular, it allows for novel inflationary SUGRA models and particle phenomenology model building, where the different models correspond to different choices of field redefinitions. We demonstrate this possibility by constructing several prototypes of inflationary models (hilltop, Starobinsky-like, plateau, log-squared and bell-curve) all in flat Kähler geometry and an originally renormalizable superpotential W. The models are in accord with current observations and predict r ∈ [10-6, 0.06] spanning several decades that can be easily obtained. In the bell-curve model, there also exists a built-in gravitational reheating mechanism with TR ~ O(107GeV).

Original languageEnglish
Article number806
Issue number5
StatePublished - 1 May 2020


  • Cosmic inflation
  • Kähler geometry
  • Supergravity


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