Inadequate protein intake after laparoscopic sleeve gastrectomy surgery is associated with a greater fat free mass loss

Shiri Sherf Dagan, Tali Ben Tovim, Andrei Keidar, Asnat Raziel, Oren Shibolet, Shira Zelber-Sagi

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44 Scopus citations


Background Low postoperative protein intake may represent a modifiable risk factor that leads to fat free mass (FFM) loss postlaparoscopic sleeve gastrectomy (LSG), but data concerning this phenomenon is scarce. Objectives To evaluate the association between daily protein intake and relative FFM loss at 6 (M6) and 12 (M12) months after LSG surgery. Settings Private hospital and university hospital. Methods A prospective cohort study with 12 months follow-up of 77 patients who underwent LSG surgery. Anthropometrics including body composition analysis measured by multifrequency bioelectrical impedance analysis, 3-day food diaries, food intolerance, and habitual physical activity were evaluated at baseline and at M3, M6, and M12. Results Repeated body composition measurements and food diary were available for 77 patients (45 women) at M6 and for 68 patients at M12. Mean age was 42.7±9.4 years and mean preoperative body mass index was 42.2±4.8 kg/m2. A protein intake of≥60 g/d was achieved in 13.3%, 32.5% and 39.7% of the study participants at M3, M6 and M12, respectively. FFM significantly decreased at M6 and stabilized at M12. Protein intake of≥60 g/d was associated with a significantly lower relative FFM loss at M6 among women (8.9±6.5% versus 12.4±4.1%; P = .039) and this trend was also reported among men (9.5±5.5% versus 13.4±6.0%; P = .068). A logistic regression for the prediction of FFM loss of≥10% at M6, indicated that protein intake≥60 g/d is a strong protective factor (odds ratio = 0.29, 95% confidence interval .09–.96, P = .043). Conclusion Our study supports the currently recommended protein intake goal of≥60 g/d as an efficient strategy for better preservation of FFM post-LSG.

Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)101-109
Number of pages9
JournalSurgery for Obesity and Related Diseases
Issue number1
StatePublished - 1 Jan 2017
Externally publishedYes


  • Body composition
  • Fat free mass
  • Obesity
  • Protein intake
  • Sleeve gastrectomy


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