In WAZE we trust? GPS-based navigation application users’ behavior and patterns of dependency

Tal Laor, Yair Galily

Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

6 Scopus citations


Functional technological applications have become an integral part of our lives changing our patterns of reasoning and behavior. The current study examines whether, how and why use of WAZE app, a popular GPS-based navigation application, demonstrate behaviors and patterns which resemble those of technological dependency. We conducted semi-structured in-depth interviews with 50 WAZE users. The questions took inspiration from the model of IT addiction, which identifies six behavioral parameters: withdrawal, conflict, mood modification, relapse, tolerance, and saliency. The novelty of the study lies in the evidence of patterns and behaviors which resemble technological dependency on the WAZE app. The findings indicate that WAZE app satisfies users’ needs driven by functionality. Four behavioral characteristics associated with IT addiction are applicable to WAZE users: mood modification, conflict, relapse, and withdrawal. The study concludes that functional technological applications may trigger behavioral indicators of technological addiction.

Original languageEnglish
Article numbere0276449
JournalPLoS ONE
Issue number11 November
StatePublished - Nov 2022


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