Hsp70–Bag3 Module Regulates Macrophage Motility and Tumor Infiltration via Transcription Factor LITAF and CSF1

Lena Avinery, Valid Gahramanov, Arkadi Hesin, Michael Y. Sherman

Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

7 Scopus citations


The molecular chaperone Hsp70 has been implicated in multiple stages of cancer development. In these processes, a co-chaperone Bag3 links Hsp70 with signaling pathways that control cancer development. Recently, we showed that besides affecting cancer cells, Hsp70 can also regulate the motility of macrophages and their tumor infiltration. However, the mechanisms of these effects have not been explored. Here, we demonstrated that the Hsp70-bound co-chaperone Bag3 associates with a transcription factor LITAF that can regulate the expression of inflammatory cytokines and chemokines in macrophages. Via this interaction, the Hsp70–Bag3 complex regulates expression levels of LITAF by controlling its proteasome-dependent and chaperone-mediated autophagy-dependent degradation. In turn, LITAF regulates the expression of the major chemokine CSF1, and adding this chemokine to the culture medium reversed the effects of Bag3 or LITAF silencing on the macrophage motility. Together, these findings uncover the Hsp70–Bag3–LITAF–CSF1 pathway that controls macrophage motility and tumor infiltration.

Original languageEnglish
Article number4168
Issue number17
StatePublished - Sep 2022


  • chaperone-mediated autophagy
  • macrophage invasion
  • tumor-associated macrophages


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