Half Day Workshop - Integrating Dynamic Neuro-Cognitive Imagery and Fascia for Treating Low Back Pain

Amit Abraham, Eric Franklin

Research output: Contribution to journalConference articlepeer-review


Introduction/Background Mental imagery (MI) is a fundamental human skill of creating and using images and metaphors in the mind. Being an active, cognitive process, MI can affect a variety of motor and cognitive functions, including attentional focus, movement biomechanics, and psychological aspects. Traditionally, MI training has focused on muscle tissue and research has investigated its beneficial effects on power, strength, range-of-motion, and flexibility. However, little referral has been devoted to its potential effects on fascia. Building on scientific literature suggesting anatomical, physiological, and functional relationships and similarities between muscular and fascial tissues, we provide a science-based conceptualization for the use of MI for promoting fascial awareness and enhancing its mobility, thus benefiting motor performance and functioning. Fascial Dynamic Neuro-Cognitive Imagery (FDNI) is a codified framework of MI tools and movement applications to motor performance with the goals of gaining better embodiment and exploitation of fascial structure and biomechanics. The evidence-based approach of FDNI is based on findings from the fields of fascial anatomy and physiology, biomechanics, motor learning, and pedagogy. Training in DNI has shown promise in improving motor and non-motor aspects of performance in dancers and people with Parkinson’s Disease. FDNI ties together fascia-specific cognitive and motor elements, thus emphasizing the role of fascia in motor and cognitive aspects of motor performance and rehabilitation.

Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)e2
JournalJournal of Bodywork and Movement Therapies
StatePublished - Jan 2023
EventSixth International Fascia Research Congress - Montreal, Canada
Duration: 10 Sep 202214 Sep 2022


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