Graviton reggeization and high energy gravitational scattering of scalar particles

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In this paper we consider a high energy scattering of free scalar particles through a gravitational field. The one particle t-channel amplitude of the scattering in this limit is governed by reggeized graviton. Therefore, we discuss an appearance of the reggeized gravitons in the framework of Einstein–Hilbert gravity and consider Lipatov’s effective action for the reggeized gravitons. We calculate the trajectory of the corresponding t-channel amplitude in the framework and thereafter define the leading order amplitude of scattering of two massive scalar particles. An impact factor of the interaction of scalar particle with the reggeized gravitons is also calculated and possible applications of the approach are discussed as well.

Original languageEnglish
Article number1031
JournalEuropean Physical Journal C
Issue number10
StatePublished - Oct 2024


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