Four Dimensions of Brand Storytelling: Framework for Managing and Analyzing Online Brand Stories

Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review


Corporate brand storytelling is gaining significance as social media and company websites become crucial avenues for consumer engagement. As part of an effort to create engagement with the brand story across all platforms, the current article suggests combining myths’ elements. Adopting the literary approach to myths, this paper defines myth as a narrative that holds significance among its followers. Based on previous research, this paper proposes a corporate brand storytelling model encompassing story, meaning, ritual, and transmedia dimensions. To assess how leading corporate brands use storytelling elements across their online platforms a quantitative content analysis was performed. Four key insights were derived from the study. First, storytelling should be systematically managed and studied according to our model. Second, rituals and transmedia are underutilized in integrating and disseminating brand storytelling. Third, storytelling should extend beyond paid advertising to achieve desired outcomes. Lastly, the incorporation of mythmaking and storytelling highlights the significance of cultural aspects, urging multinational brands to integrate local cultural elements.

Original languageEnglish
JournalInternational Journal of Business Communication
StateAccepted/In press - 2024


  • corporate brand
  • myth
  • rituals
  • social media
  • storytelling
  • transmedia


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