Exploring the link between masculine gender-role discrepancy and men’s life satisfaction

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The current study aimed to investigate the link between masculine gender-role discrepancy and life satisfaction among men, focusing on the underlying mechanism. Specifically, it examined the mediating role of masculine discrepancy stress in the association between masculine gender-role discrepancy and men’s life satisfaction. Additionally, it investigated the moderating role of adherence to traditional masculinity ideology in the association between masculine gender-role discrepancy and masculine discrepancy stress, and the moderating role of self-compassion in the association between masculine discrepancy stress and men’s life satisfaction. For the present study, 831 Israeli men completed self-report questionnaires. The findings suggest that masculine gender-role discrepancy both directly and indirectly predicts men’s life satisfaction (via masculine discrepancy stress). Additionally, while adherence to traditional masculinity ideology moderated the positive association between masculine gender-role discrepancy and masculine discrepancy stress, self-compassion moderated the negative association between masculine discrepancy stress and men’s life satisfaction. This study demonstrated how aspects of masculinity are linked to men’s life satisfaction. Furthermore, it underscored self-compassion as a psychological resource that acts as a buffer against the detrimental impact of masculine discrepancy stress on men’s life satisfaction. Therefore, professionals are urged to encourage men to use self-compassion to maintain or enhance their life satisfaction.

Original languageEnglish
JournalCurrent Psychology
StateAccepted/In press - 2025


  • Life satisfaction
  • Masculine discrepancy stress
  • Masculine gender-role discrepancy
  • Self-compassion
  • Traditional masculinity ideology


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