Evolution of morphology and grain structure of metal nanowires in initial period of templated electrodeposition

A. P. Leontiev, D. A. Bograchev, D. N. Khmelenin, G. A. Tsirlina, K. S. Napolskii

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2 Scopus citations


Templated electrodeposition is one of the most effective ways to prepare arrays of one-dimensional nanostructures. The growth of the nanostructures can be monitored in situ in the course of electrodeposition by analysing the current-time transients. However, the analysis of nonmonotonic current behaviour corresponding to nucleation and initial growth of the nanostructures is rarely discussed in the literature. Here, the detailed study of the initial stages of templated electrodeposition of Au inside the pores of anodic aluminium oxide is performed. The experimental tools to visualize the nanostructures formed in initial period are proposed based on the scanning and transmission electron microscopy. The observed features of deposition transients are associated with the changes in both the morphology and grain structure of the deposit and are also affected by parallel hydrogen evolution. The experimental observations are supported by the numerical simulations.

Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)1619-1629
Number of pages11
JournalJournal of Solid State Electrochemistry
Issue number5
StatePublished - May 2024


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