Erratum: Screening for lung cancer: Time for large-scale screening by chest computed tomography (European Respiratory Journal (2014) 44 (217-238) DOI: 10.1183/09031936.00164513)

Dekel Shlomi, Ronny Ben-Avi, Gingy Ronen Balmor, Amir Onn, Nir Peled

Research output: Contribution to journalComment/debate


It has been brought to our attention that a sentence regarding lung cancer detection rates in this article was ambiguous in its originally published form, appearing on page 220, section entitled “Low-dose CT screening detection rates”, second sentence: “Detection rate of lung cancer ranged between 1.1–2% in baseline screening and false-positive rates of 90–96%.” The authors wish to clarify the matter and point out that the sentence should more correctly read: “Detection rate of lung cancer ranged between 1.1–2% in baseline screening and false-positive detection rates of 90–96%.”

Original languageEnglish
Article number1351645
JournalEuropean Respiratory Journal
Issue number3
StatePublished - 1 Sep 2019


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