Enhancing creativity by altering the frontoparietal control network functioning using transcranial direct current stimulation

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13 Scopus citations


The left angular gyrus (AG), part of the frontotemporal network, is implicated in creative thinking, including verbal creativity tasks such as novel metaphor generation. The current study tested the effects of tDCS over the left AG on two metaphor generation tasks. The study was a randomized, double-blind, sham-controlled, crossover study of anodal vs. cathodal stimulation by tDCS. Compared to sham, cathodal stimulation resulted in significantly increased novel metaphor generation, while anodal stimulation increased conventional metaphor generation. Higher motivation (behavioral approach system’s “fun-seeking”) was associated with greater metaphor creativity in the sham condition, and lower fun seeking was associated with producing a greater quantity of conventional metaphors. Following active stimulation, motivation traits no longer contributed to creative metaphor generation. Thus, the beneficial effect of cathodal tDCS over the left AG in generation of novel metaphors is through restraining the control network. The current study gives a glimpse into the neural basis for creative thinking.

Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)613-626
Number of pages14
JournalExperimental Brain Research
Issue number2
StatePublished - Feb 2021


  • Default_mode_network
  • Frontoparietal control network
  • Metaphore processing
  • Neuromodulation
  • Verbal-creativity
  • tDCS


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